نقد و بررسی
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins Level 6زیر تعداد کمی از کلمات با مداد مشکی خط کشیده شده است
با اطمینان خرید کنید، کتابفروشی میم دارای نماد اعتماد از وزارت صنعت، معدن و تجارت می باشد.
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Level 6
Retold by Anne Collins
Penguin Readers Level 6 Series Editor Andy
Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter
چاپ سال ۱۳۸۵
انتشارات سمیر
۸۹ صفحه
کتاب های سطح بندی شده پنگوئن
From the moment that Walter Hartright, a young art teacher, meets the mysterious Woman in White on a lonely road, his future and that of Laura, the woman he falls in love with, are linked to the strange woman’s for ever.
Can Walter discover the terrible secret which the Woman in White knows about Laura’s cruel husband, Sir Percival Glyde?
Can he put right the wrongs done to Laura and her sister Marian by Sir Percival and his attractive but dangerous friend, Count Fosco? And is he too late to help the Woman in White herself?